# Changelog ## 0.38.7 - Better handling of including partials with custom sites. - Add support for `CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS`. - Support `django-unicorn` components in a custom site. ## 0.38.6 - Use a custom staticfiles finder so `collectstatic` will copy static files for each site. ## 0.38.5 - Better support for multiple sites. ## 0.38.4 - Do not add the base directory when running collectstatic. ## 0.38.3 - Re-publish. ## 0.38.2 - Default to the first site if the request header is unknown. ## 0.38.1 - Clean up code. ## 0.38.0 - Better support for multiple domains and custom sites. - Add `coltrane.toml` settings file. ## 0.37.0 - Automatically enable `dj-angles` if the library is installed. - Experimental support for multiple domains. **Breaking changes** - Drop support for Python 3.8. - Remove loading deprecated `data.json` file. ## 0.36.0 - Handle string, date, epoch in `publish_date` and convert them to timezone-aware datetime. ## 0.35.4 - Prevent missing `compress` templatetag from raising an error when calling the `compress` management command. ## 0.35.3 - Set `COMPRESS_OFFLINE=True` when running the `compress` management command. ## 0.35.2 - Add all environment variables to `settings.ENV`, not just the variables from `.env`. ## 0.35.1 - Update default `Dockerfile` to fix some deployment problems. ## 0.35.0 - Include variables from `.env` file in `settings.ENV`. - Rewrite all docs to remove any perceived dependency on `poetry`. - Create nested folder structure for new sites. ## 0.34.0 - Add `coltrane` context template variable to expose the `coltrane` settings. - Add support for [`django-compressor`](installation.md#extras). - Add support for [redirects](redirects.md). ## 0.33.0 - Bump `rich-click` dependency and slightly better command aliases support. ## 0.32.1 - Parse JSON5 data as UTF-8. ## 0.32.0 - Add `pubdate` to RSS feed [#61](https://github.com/adamghill/coltrane/pull/61) by [Tobi-De](https://github.com/Tobi-De). - Support setting a custom `TIME_ZONE`. ## 0.31.0 - Create example `Dockerfile` and `gunicorn.conf.py` files for easier deployments of `coltrane` apps. - [Add the ability](installation.md#extras) to use [JSON5](https://json5.org) for data files. **Breaking changes** - Remove loading `data.json`. All data should be in JSON files in the `data` directory. - The default markdown renderer is now `mistune` instead of `markdown2`. The next version of `coltrane` will remove the option to use `markdown2`. ## 0.30.0 - Add `COLTRANE_IS_SECURE` [env variable](env.md#coltrane_is_secure). - Add `django.middleware.gzip.GZipMiddleware`, `django.middleware.http.ConditionalGetMiddleware`, `django.middleware.csrf.CsrfViewMiddleware` middlewares. ## 0.29.0 - [`django-unicorn`](https://www.django-unicorn.com) integration. - Fix: Passing `INSTALLED_APPS` into `init` now does not override the default apps. ## 0.28.0 - Add `DISABLE_WILDCARD_TEMPLATES` setting. - Add `data`, `slug`, `template`, and `now` to direct HTML template for as much parity to `markdown` content as possible. ## 0.27.0 - Support directory wildcards. - Add `paths` template tag. ## 0.26.0 - Ability to [configure cache](env.md#cache). - Allow content or data directory to be specified [#48](https://github.com/adamghill/coltrane/issues/48). - Fix: Handle invalid JSON data [#48](https://github.com/adamghill/coltrane/issues/48). ## 0.25.0 - If a markdown file with a slug cannot be found, look for a template with the same slug. Special case for `*.html` which can be a fall-back option to render for any slug. - Add `raise_404` template tag. - Add `last_path` template tag. ## 0.24.0 - Support Django template tags with the `mistune` markdown renderer. ## 0.23.1 - Include extra files when building the static site. ## 0.23.0 - Add `EXTRA_FILE_NAMES` setting to support serving static files like `robots.txt`. ## 0.22.0 - Add support for rendering markdown with `mistune`. See [MARKDOWN_RENDERED](settings.md) for how to enable. `mistune` will be the default renderer after 0.22.0 because it is 1) faster rendering markdown than `markdown2`, 2) enables new functionality like `abbr`, 3) fixed a bug in the generation of the tables of contents HTML, and 4) has a plugin architecture to add new features. - Improve table of contents rendering for `mistune`. ## 0.21.0 - Add `order_by` to `directory_contents` templatetag. - Fix `TOC` outputting 'None' when it should be `None`. ## 0.20.0 - Add `to_html` template tag. [#37](https://github.com/adamghill/coltrane/pull/37) by [Tobi-De](https://github.com/Tobi-De) - Breaking change: change `date` to `publish_date` in metadata. [#39](https://github.com/adamghill/coltrane/pull/37) by [Tobi-De](https://github.com/Tobi-De) - Breaking change: change `SITE` setting to `SITE_URL`. - Automatically add `verbatim` templatetag around code fences. ## 0.19.0 - Update project name to `coltrane`. ## 0.18.3 - Fix bug where templatetags could not be loaded when the base directory was ".". ## 0.18.2 - Add `request` to the template context when building static sites. ## 0.18.1 - Fix bug where static site path was incorrect. ## 0.18.0 - Add `toc` to the template context which provides a table of contents for the markdown. ## 0.17.0 - Fix bug with relative URLs when generating `sitemap.xml` - Automatic generation of `rss.xml` file ## 0.16.1 - Create `COLTRANE_SITE` setting in `.env` file during `create` command ## 0.16.0 - Output an error if rendering fails during `record` command - `include_md` template tag - `parent` filter - Serving of `/sitemap.xml` for standalone - Automatic creation of `sitemap.xml` during `record` command **Breaking changes** - `COLTRANE_SITE` is required in .env file ## 0.15.1 - Include all frontmatter metadata in `directory_contents` template tag output - Parse `date` frontmatter into `datetime` - Parse `draft` frontmatter into `boolean` ## 0.15.0 - [`directory_contents`](template-tags.md) template tag - Add [`django-fastdev`](https://github.com/boxed/django-fastdev) for more immediate feedback when an invalid template variable is used - Show error message if a markdown file cannot be output to HTML - Fix bug where `index.md` files in a sub-directory were not output correctly ## 0.14.0 - Add `--output` option to `record` command [#19](https://github.com/adamghill/coltrane/issues/19) by [stlk](https://github.com/stlk) - Nicer help output for CLI ## 0.13.1 - Add `--threads` option to `record` command ## 0.13.0 - Multithread `record` command - Better console output for `record` command ## 0.12.0 - Fix elapsed time for `record` command - More performant collection of markdown content files - Don't include markdown or data when collecting static files while running `record` ## 0.11.0 - Add `--force` option to `create` command - Automatically refresh the browser when markdown content or data is saved ## 0.10.0 - Fix generating root `index.md` ## 0.9.0 - Add support for static files - Add `watchman` support - Add `whitenoise` for static handling - Add `--force` option to `record` command ## 0.8.0 - Read `INTERNAL_IPS` from .env file - Add `now` to template variables - Include found template tags in built-ins - Include `humanize` template tags in built-ins ## 0.7.0 - Support nested directories for content and data - Update default markdown extras ## 0.6.0 - Add support for markdown frontmatter - Support custom templates specified in markdown frontmatter ## 0.5.0 - Add `build` maangement command - Store build manifest so that HTML doesn't re-render if possible - Loosen dependencies ## 0.4.0 - Unit tests, coverage, and fixes for mypy ## 0.3.0 - Bug fixes ## 0.2.0 - Bug fixes ## 0.1.0 - Basic Django app which renders markdown files at a URL - Basic script