# Context The template context for each `markdown` file includes: - all key/value pairs in the `markdown` frontmatter - rendered `markdown` HTML in `content` - JSON data from the `data` directory - `coltrane` which includes a dictionary of the [`coltrane` settings](settings.md) - `now` which provides the current `datetime` (would be the time of HTML rendering for when generating a static site) - `request` which provides the current request - `debug` which contains the `DEBUG` setting (or if `INTERNAL_IPS` has the current request's IP) - `slug` which contains the current file's "slug" (e.g. `articles/some-new-article` if there was a markdown file at `content/articles/some-new-article.md`) - `toc` which is an automatically generated table of contents rendered as HTML - if `publish_date` is found, it is converted to a Python `datetime` instance using the excellent [dateparser](https://dateparser.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) library ## Example context **`data/index.json`** ```json { "test": "Great" } ``` **`content/index.md`** ```markdown --- this_is_a_variable: This is a good test template: some_app/custom-template.html publish_date: 2022-02-26 10:26:02 --- {{ this_is_a_variable }} Data from JSON files: {{ data.index.test }} Current datetime: {{ now }} Publish date: {{ publish_date|naturalday }} ``` **`some_app/templates/some_app/custom-template.html`** ```html {{ content }} ``` **Generated `index.html`** ```html

This is a good test

Data from JSON files: Great

Current datetime: 8 Jan. 11, 2022, 10:02 p.m.

Publish date: Feb. 26, 2022
