# Environment For local web development `coltrane` uses an `.env` file in the base directory for potentially sensitive settings. When deployed to production, those settings would be retrieved from environment variables (following the [12-factor app](https://12factor.net/config) method). ## Example `.env` file ```shell DEBUG=True INTERNAL_IPS= ALLOWED_HOSTS=example.com COLTRANE_SITE_URL=https://example.com SECRET_KEY=this-should-be-lots-of-random-characters ``` ## Keys ### DEBUG Whether the server is in debug mode or not. Error tracebacks, context, and sensitive information is displayed on the error page when this is set to `True`, so it should always be set to `False` when the app is deployed to production. Defaults to `True` for local development purposes. ### INTERNAL_IPS Used to determine if the current request is internal or not. Must be set for the `debug` template variable to be populated (more information in the [Django documentation](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/stable/ref/settings/#internal-ips)). Defaults to ``. If more than one IP is required, separate them by commas. ```shell INTERNAL_IPS=,localhost, ``` ### SECRET_KEY A random string of letters, numbers, and characters. (More information in the [Django documentation](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/stable/ref/settings/#std:setting-SECRET_KEY). Generated automatically when the `.env` file is created. Required. ### ALLOWED_HOSTS The acceptable host or domain names when the site is deployed to production. Required when `DEBUG` is set to `False`. Defaults to `""`. If more than one host name is required, separate them by commas. ```shell ALLOWED_HOSTS=coltrane.com ``` ### COLTRANE_SITE_URL The hosting domain's scheme and domain. Required. ```shell COLTRANE_SITE_URL=https://coltrane.com ``` ### COLTRANE_TITLE The title of the website. Required for generating `rss.xml`. ```shell COLTRANE_TITLE=Coltrane ``` ### COLTRANE_DESCRIPTION The description of the website. Required for generating `rss.xml`. ```shell COLTRANE_DESCRIPTION=A minimal app framework for content sites. ``` ### COLTRANE_IS_SECURE Informs `coltrane` that it is served securely, i.e. with SSL with an `https` protocol. This needs to be set to `True` if SSL is provided by a proxy server (for example, Cloudflare). If the site is only served by `https` and you see errors like "403 forbidden CSRF origin didn't match" set this to `True`. Defaults to `False`. ### COLTRANE_CONTENT_DIRECTORY The directory that should be used for `markdown` content. Relative to the base directory. Defaults to "content". ### COLTRANE_DATA_DIRECTORY The directory that should be used for data. Relative to the base directory. Defaults to "data". ### COLTRANE_DATA_JSON5 Whether or not data files should be parsed as [JSON5](https://json5.org). Also requires installing the `json5` [extras](installation.md#extras). Defaults to `False`. ### COLTRANE_DISABLE_WILDCARD_TEMPLATES To prevent [wildcard templates](content.md#wildcards) from being served, set this to `True`. Defaults to `False`. ### CACHE The type of cache to use for `coltrane`. Acceptable options are: [`dummy`](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/stable/topics/cache/#dummy-caching-for-development), [`memory`](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/stable/topics/cache/#local-memory-caching), [`filesystem`](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/stable/topics/cache/#filesystem-caching), [`memcache`](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/stable/topics/cache/#memcached), or [`redis`](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/stable/topics/cache/#redis). The default is `dummy`. ```{note} `filesystem`, `memcache`, and `redis` options require `CACHE_LOCATION` to also be set. ``` ### CACHE_LOCATION The location of the cache. Required for `filesystem`, `memcache`, and `redis` cache options. The `filesystem` cache requires an absolute path. The `memcache` and `redis` cache options include multiple cache servers in a commma-delimited list. ### TIME_ZONE The timezone of the server. Defaults to "UTC".