# Settings Settings for `coltrane` are specified in a `COLTRANE` dictionary in the `settings.py` file. All [env settings](env.md) are available in the `COLTRANE` dictionary sans the leading "COLTRANE_", e.g. `COLTRANE_TITLE` in the `.env` file would be `COLTRANE.TITLE` in `settings.COLTRANE`. ```python # settings.py ... # Sample `coltrane` settings COLTRANE = { "MISTUNE_PLUGINS": [ "strikethrough", "footnotes", "table", "task_lists", "def_list", "abbr", "mark", "insert", "superscript", "subscript", ], } ... ``` ````{note} `coltrane` settings can be passed into the `initialize()` method in `app.py` as `kwargs`. ```python # existing app.py file wsgi = initialize(MARKDOWN_EXTRAS=["metadata",], MISTUNE_PLUGINS=["table",]) # rest of the app.py file ``` ```` ## Keys The keys below are specific to the `COLTRANE` dictionary `settings.py`. But, all [env settings](env.md) can be used. ### MISTUNE_PLUGINS The features that should be enabled when rendering markdown with `mistune`. A list of all available features: https://mistune.lepture.com/en/latest/plugins.html. The default extras are: ```python [ "strikethrough", "footnotes", "table", "task_lists", "def_list", "abbr", "mark", "insert", "superscript", "subscript", ] ``` ### VIEW_CACHE Caches the rendered HTML when dynamically rendering. Enabled by adding the `SECONDS` key to a `VIEW_CACHE` dictionary. Not used for static sites. #### SECONDS Specifies how long the markdown should be cached when Django is dynamically serving the markdown. ```python COLTRANE = { # other settings "VIEW_CACHE": {"SECONDS": 60 * 15}, } ``` #### CACHE_NAME Specifies a name for the cache to use. Defaults to "default". ```python COLTRANE = { # other settings "VIEW_CACHE": {"SECONDS": 60 * 15, "CACHE_NAME": "coltrane-view-cache"}, } ```