# Template tags
Template tags are the way for Django templates to use Python code. Django has a [large list of built-in template tags](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/stable/ref/templates/builtins/) for everything from looping over objects, date formatting, boolean logic with `if`/`else` blocks, or getting the length of an object. By default, all template tags in Django are available in markdown content files.
## Humanize template tags
`django.contrib.humanize` [includes a useful template tags](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/stable/ref/contrib/humanize/) to format numbers and dates in human-friendly ways. Normally it needs to be enabled and loaded in templates manually, but `coltrane` enables it by default so it is available to use in markdown content files automatically.
## Coltrane template tags
### `directory_contents`
A list of the content at a particular directory.
**List markdown files based on the request path**
If the request url is https://localhost:8000/ and there are these files:
- content/test1.md
- content/test2.md
# Contents
{% directory_contents as directory_contents %}
{% for content in directory_contents %}
- {{ content.slug }}
{% endfor %}
**List markdown files based on a particular directory**
If the request url is https://localhost:8000/ and there are these files:
- content/articles/article1.md
- content/articles/article2.md
# Articles
{% directory_contents 'articles' as directory_contents %}
{% for content in directory_contents %}
- {{ content.slug }}
{% endfor %}
**Exclude a slug from being included**
If the request url is https://localhost:8000/ and there are these files:
- content/articles/article1.md
- content/articles/article2.md
# Articles
{% directory_contents 'articles' exclude='article1' as directory_contents %}
{% for content in directory_contents %}
- {{ content.slug }}
{% endfor %}
**Sort the results of the directory**
The `order_by` kwarg will sort the results by a particular `key`. Available `keys` are `slug`, `now`, and anything in the YAML frontmatter. All keys will be coerced to strings and if a `key` is missing an empty string will be used by default.
If the request url is https://localhost:8000/ and these files are present in the `content` directory:
- content/article1.md
- content/article2.md
# Sorted Articles
{% directory_contents order_by='slug' as directory_contents %}
{% for content in directory_contents %}
- {{ content.slug }}
{% endfor %}
Sorted Articles
# Reverse Sorted Articles
{% directory_contents order_by='-slug' as directory_contents %}
{% for content in directory_contents %}
- {{ content.slug }}
{% endfor %}
Reverse Sorted Articles
### `include_md`
Similar to the [`include`](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/stable/ref/templates/builtins/#include) template tag, but can be used to include a markdown file and have it render correctly into HTML. It can be used in markdown files or in HTML templates.
# include_md
{% include_md '_partial.md' %}
{% include_md '_partial.md' %}
### `parent`
A `filter` that returns the parent directory for a particular path. Can be passed a `request` or a `string`.
{{ request|parent }} == '/articles'
{{ 'http://localhost/articles/some-article'|parent|parent }} == ''
### `to_html`
Convert raw markdown text to html. This is probably the most useful when using `coltrane` as a `Django app`.
def my_view(request):
markdown_text = """---
title: Article 1
# {{ title }}
{{ markdown_text|to_html }}
Rendered html content
Article 1
### `raise_404`
Raises a 404 from template. Can be useful when using wildcard HTML templates.
### `last_path`
Gets the last portion the URL path, e.g. the last path of `/app/user/123` would be `"123"`.
### `paths`
Gets all parts of the path as a list of strings, e.g. the paths of `/app/user/123` would be `["app", "user", "123"]`.
## Custom template tags
`coltrane` will automatically enable any template tags it finds in the `templatetags` directory to be used in `markdown` or HTML templates.
from django import template
register = template.Library()
def test(value, arg):
return value + " is a test"
{{ 'This'|test }}
**Generated `index.html`**
This is a test
For `integrated` mode, custom template tags can be loaded like normal in the markdown file.
{% load custom_tags %}
{{ "This"|some_custom_filter }}